Press Lunch TP-Link: presentate nuove strategie di canale

After the first Press Lunch that involved the Consumer Press, today took place the second meeting with TP-Link, the world leader in networking products, and B2B and trade press. During the event, Michele Lavaia, Business Division Manager, and Antonella Cascio, Marketing Manager, have analyzed the topic of Networking. From the latest solutions proposed to the strategies for the B2B market and the channel, to the future activities planned and the ...

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TP-Link Press Lunch: increasingly smart solutions

Today in Milan during the Press Lunch with TP-Link, world leader in networking products, Giancarlo Patti, Retail Sales Manager, and Antonella Cascio, Marketing Manager, have analyzed with the consumer press the company's history and product portfolio, focusing on Networking, Smartphone and Smart Home sector, in which the company is committed to building a new area of solutions and products that increasingly affect the home automation sector. Tomorrow TP-Link will repeat ...

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