Neffos Press Day: smartphone news by TP-Link

Neffos Press Day: between magic shows and special effects, today TP-Link presented to the press, in the setting of the Hotel Sheraton Diana Majestic in Milan, the first positive goals achieved with the sub-brand Neffos, which has been able to make its way into the world of mobile telephony with reliable mid-range products with a competitive quality/price ratio. Four new devices to reinforce the ongoing commitment to the user: the entry ...

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Press Lunch TP-Link: presentate nuove strategie di canale

After the first Press Lunch that involved the Consumer Press, today took place the second meeting with TP-Link, the world leader in networking products, and B2B and trade press. During the event, Michele Lavaia, Business Division Manager, and Antonella Cascio, Marketing Manager, have analyzed the topic of Networking. From the latest solutions proposed to the strategies for the B2B market and the channel, to the future activities planned and the ...

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